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On 23rd May 2024, Lowe & Fletcher said a fond farewell to Ollie Devlin who retired from the business after 45 years’ service.

Celebrating 45 years service_Ollie Devlin Retirement

Ollie with John Williams and Martin Bach

Ollie joined Lowe & Fletcher in May 1979 Ollie as a labourer on the petrol cap line where he worked for a few months until he moved into the Stores. Ollie remained in this position for almost 20 years and in 1998 was one of the first employees to walk through the doors of the new factory in Wednesbury.

Once in the new factory, Ollie moved into the Production Department before moving back into the stores in 2008.

Celebrating 45 years of service_Ollie Devlin Retirement

Ollie with his Lowe & Fletcher colleagues

During his 45 years of service, Ollie has amassed a tremendous amount of product knowledge and will be missed by friends and colleagues alike. All at Lowe & Fletcher wish Ollie a long and happy retirement.

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